Wednesday, November 12, 2008

McCain's Spot on Jay Leno

Well either the heat from the public finally got to John McCain or his wife, Cindy finally tossed all his belonging's onto their front lawn. Either way, he showed up on Jay Leno's show last night in an attempt to distance himself from the brutal attack on Palin that his campaign minions have been orchestrating in his name. He was so listless and weak in his defense of Palin that you had to wonder why he even tried. It was very apparent to this viewer that McCain simply wanted to wipe the tarnish off his name so that he can get back to his full time job of "Snowing Americans". Jay Leno was the perfect foil because he knew he was not going to get hit with the tough questions that a real political reporter would ask. Good try John, but you didn't fool anyone.

Friday, November 7, 2008

A Letter from an American in San Diego to Governor Palin

Dear Governor Palin,

Thank you so much for joining the McCain Campaign for President and reminding all of us what a true conservative is. Your arrival to the political scène was like a cool rain on the parched earth that had become our world. Your name on the ticket was the only way many republicans could justify dragging ourselves to our voting booths and pulling the lever for McCain.

We hope you won’t let McCain’s “ Rabid , Bi-Polar response of blaming you for his losing the election, effect your decision to run in the future. We need you out here in America and we all look forward to 2012 and a “Palin for President Campaign”.

Everyone in the conservative party knows McCain to be an arrogant, self aggrandizing jerk that loves the sound of his own voice only a shade more than he loves liberals. We also hope that all the campaign “Benedict Arnold’s” get their just desserts for trashing you by never being hired again. Karma…..”It’s a good thing” as Martha Stewart says.

Good luck Governor Palin to you and your family, and who knows maybe you will run into McCain in the Senate soon and you can knock him on his ass, as any man would.
A Message to Senator Lieberman

Dear Senator Lieberman,

“Man-up” and stop whinning about being called on the carpet by the democrats and losing your cabinet position on the homeland security’s commission. With all due respect Senator, what did you think was going to happen? These same democrats’s financed and ran another candidate in your district against you! Dealing with this group must be like working with a bunch of strung out meth addicted hyenas. They don’t just eat their young; they serve them with fava beans and nice Chianti.

Senator Lieberman, you need to learn the lesson that all brave individuals learn when they take the high-road and do the right thing. There are always consequences to be paid. That’s why there’s no traffic on the high road, few individuals choose to take it and pay the toll.

But, like baseball, there is "No Crying in Politics”. My advice, take your meeting with the power's that be, listen to their rabid rantings and then tell them to stick in their ear and spin. Then explain to them that you were elected to represent the American people in your district and if that means raising the red flag and shouting “Fire” when the democrats veer down the socialist / fascist path, then so be it.

You may have to wait to get your rewards in heaven along with all of the other true patriots.

An Autopsy of the McCain Loss by An American in San Diego, California

McCain lost because:

He acts only as a “Maverick” against his own party.
McCain never reached across the aisle to the conservative republicans, only to the democrats and the liberal media for his own personal gains.

McCain did not believe that he needed the conservatives, the religious right or the republicans. He was and is arrogant, and counted on these votes while pandering to the left.

McCain is not a true conservative:
He was against Pres. Bush’s tax cuts.
McCain’s spearheaded the disastrous and security-undermining, illegal–alien amnesty bill last year.
He was against drilling in Anwar - (pandering to the Global Warming Crowd)
He is for bigger government.
McCain said that the American Pharmaceutical Companies are evil. (Anti-Big Business)
The McCain-Finegold Campaign Finance Reform Act-Was a terrible blow to “Clear Politics” and conservatives.
McCain never exposed or talked about the Democrat’s that orchestrated the Mortgage/Loan Strategy that has nearly collapsed the US Economy to the American people. What better way to demonstrate how politicians, tinkering with the free market system can be disastrous….. than this most recent example?

He never brought the fight to Obama. – Never mentioned Reverend Wright, Never mentioned Ayers, never mentioned the members of Senator Obama’s campaign that hate Israel.

McCain and his campaign muzzled Governor Palin, a “True” Conservative from stating the real facts to the American People. Governor Palin must have been extremely frustrated during these last 3 months with McCain.

My friends, part of the reason McCain became our candidate is due to the States that allow democrats to vote in the primary for the republican candidates. This has to be changed if we want a more representative candidate in the next presidential election.