Friday, November 7, 2008

A Letter from an American in San Diego to Governor Palin

Dear Governor Palin,

Thank you so much for joining the McCain Campaign for President and reminding all of us what a true conservative is. Your arrival to the political scène was like a cool rain on the parched earth that had become our world. Your name on the ticket was the only way many republicans could justify dragging ourselves to our voting booths and pulling the lever for McCain.

We hope you won’t let McCain’s “ Rabid , Bi-Polar response of blaming you for his losing the election, effect your decision to run in the future. We need you out here in America and we all look forward to 2012 and a “Palin for President Campaign”.

Everyone in the conservative party knows McCain to be an arrogant, self aggrandizing jerk that loves the sound of his own voice only a shade more than he loves liberals. We also hope that all the campaign “Benedict Arnold’s” get their just desserts for trashing you by never being hired again. Karma…..”It’s a good thing” as Martha Stewart says.

Good luck Governor Palin to you and your family, and who knows maybe you will run into McCain in the Senate soon and you can knock him on his ass, as any man would.

1 comment:

CalConserv said...

So true. MaCain and his thugs are a disgrace