Wednesday, November 12, 2008

McCain's Spot on Jay Leno

Well either the heat from the public finally got to John McCain or his wife, Cindy finally tossed all his belonging's onto their front lawn. Either way, he showed up on Jay Leno's show last night in an attempt to distance himself from the brutal attack on Palin that his campaign minions have been orchestrating in his name. He was so listless and weak in his defense of Palin that you had to wonder why he even tried. It was very apparent to this viewer that McCain simply wanted to wipe the tarnish off his name so that he can get back to his full time job of "Snowing Americans". Jay Leno was the perfect foil because he knew he was not going to get hit with the tough questions that a real political reporter would ask. Good try John, but you didn't fool anyone.

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